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Modern-Day Paul Revere – Brandon Raub’s Cry Against Tyranny | THE JEENYUS CORNER |

Marshall D. Culpepper

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I have been asked by dozens upon dozens of people; “What did he post?”, in regards to Brandon Raub being “arrested” for exercising his constitutional right to freely express himself.  I want to be clear about my opinion on this, I FULLY and with my WHOLE HEART, support Brandon.  I agree with the things he said, and I believe that I understand quite clearly what he is trying to accomplish. When he says; “You should understand that many of the things I have said here are for the world to see”, He is giving a clue as to his goal and intent.  In the following pictures (I hope I didn’t get any out-of-order), you can clearly see that he was methodical in his posts.

He illustrated the horrible truths about what is going on in the world today.  When he points out the evil that has corrupted our government, he is completely correct and those that do not see that are in for a very bumpy ride from here on out.

From everything I’ve gathered about Brandon, he is a very intelligent,  brave and patriotic young man.  With that said, he knew what exact words and phrases that the corrupt government monitors everyone in search for.  The government means to control us, the rapid erosion of our civil liberties are evidence enough of that.  Knowing his, Brandon should be thought of in the likeness of a modern-day Paul Revere, screaming the truth about the threat that WE, THE PEOPLE face from a tyrannical and oppressive government.

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