Tag Archive | Brandon

Brandon Raub’s Marine Veteran Brother Sets Record Straight on Facebook Arrest | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Brandon Raub’s Marine Veteran Brother Sets Record Straight on Facebook Arrest | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Jesse Cash Salem-News.com Marine taken into custody over Facebook ‘singled out because of his heart’. (RICHMOND, VA) – My name is Jesse Cash, I have known Brandon for nearly a decade. We served together in Iraq, and Afghanistan. I am a college student, majoring in history (possibly changing to military intelligence). I have spoken with […]

Brandon Raub Speaks With Adam Kokesh From Inside John Randolph Medical Center | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Brandon Raub Speaks With Adam Kokesh From Inside John Randolph Medical Center | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER In a brief phone call with Adam Kokesh (Adam vs The Man),  Patriot and Former Marine, Brandon Raub described his treatment and his condition.  It was verified by a person who knows Raub personally that it is indeed Brandon’s voice on the phone with Kokesh.  Brandon sounded to […]

Boots On The Ground to Support Brandon Raub | THE JEENYUS CORNER |

Boots On The Ground to Support Brandon Raub | THE JEENYUS CORNER |

   A Message from Brent M Raub, Brother of Brandon J Raub Via Pam Suggs UNITED TRUTH SEEKERS Aug 19, 2012 If you live in the Richmond Va. area please show up tomorrow early and show this patriotic family your support !!! Tomorrow, August 20th, we are asking the people to rally. We need to […]

Modern-Day Paul Revere – Brandon Raub’s Cry Against Tyranny    |  THE JEENYUS CORNER |

Modern-Day Paul Revere – Brandon Raub’s Cry Against Tyranny | THE JEENYUS CORNER |

Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER I have been asked by dozens upon dozens of people; “What did he post?”, in regards to Brandon Raub being “arrested” for exercising his constitutional right to freely express himself.  I want to be clear about my opinion on this, I FULLY and with my WHOLE HEART, support Brandon.  I […]



**This was posted by Brandon’s Mother. It was posted on Facebook around 17 hours ago. ** By Cathleen Thomas (Mo6her of Brandon Raub) “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” Patrick […]

Former Marine Arrested Over Facebook Posts That S.S. Claim Were “Terroristic”   | JEENYUSCORNER.COM  |

Former Marine Arrested Over Facebook Posts That S.S. Claim Were “Terroristic” | JEENYUSCORNER.COM |

Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER Decorated War Veteran (Iraq and Afghanistan) and former Marine, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia was arrested last night by authorities.  Authorites claimed that Raub made “Terroristic” comments on his Facebook Page.  The unconstitutional arrest occurred last night at approximately 7:30 pm at the combat veteran’s home. The following video […]