Tag Archive | United States Marine Corps

Fox Carolina Viewers Furious Over ‘Day Of Resistance’ Coverage | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Fox Carolina Viewers Furious Over ‘Day Of Resistance’ Coverage | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER Update: (2/25/2013 11:45am) Shortly after this article was posted, Fox Carolina changed the post on their website. The following note was added to the bottom of their article: NOTE: Originally this story said that “Dozens of people rallied in Greenville,” when in fact there were hundreds. Also, Chumley was not […]

Three Awesome Glock Ads Featuring “Gunny” R. Lee Emery | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Three Awesome Glock Ads Featuring “Gunny” R. Lee Emery | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER Popular gun manufacturer Glock released a trio of dramatic advertisements that show the power that armed citizens have when it comes to defending themselves from violent criminals. The popular commercial features military icon and a well known pro-second amendment former Marine: R. Lee Emery Show your support for Glock by checking out […]

Letter From Resident To Mayor and Town Council Over “Mock Assault” In Upstate SC | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Letter From Resident To Mayor and Town Council Over “Mock Assault” In Upstate SC | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER The following email was sent to Honea Path, SC.  Mayor Earl Meyers, and every Town Council Member concerning the “Mock Assault” by Marines at the Ashley Airfield: Dear Mayor Meyers, I am writing this email in regards to an apparent military exercise that took place in our town on […]

In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say | THE JEENYUS CORNER

In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  On the eve of his death, U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was ebullient as he returned for the first time in his new role to Benghazi, the eastern Libyan city that embraced him as a savior during last year’s civil war. He moved around the coastal town in an armored vehicle and held a […]

Marines face court-martial for urinating on dead Afghans | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Marines face court-martial for urinating on dead Afghans | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  RT.com Two of the Marines alleged to have urinated on the corpses of Taliban fighters are now facing criminal charges and will be forced to face a court-martial over the incident. Marine Staff Sgt. Joseph W. Chamblin and Staff Sgt. Edward W. Deptola will be court-martialed over accusations that they were involved in the […]

Run! DARPA’s LS3 robot mule follows you around | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Run! DARPA’s LS3 robot mule follows you around | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Tim Hornyak CNET Let the human-hunting games begin. Boston Dynamics has a new video of its oversized beast pursuing defenseless human meatsacks through a forest. The Legged Squad Support System (LS3), aka AlphaDog, is designed to carry 400 pounds of payload and travel 20 miles without refueling. It’s funded by DARPA and the U.S. Marine […]

Marines Sent to Libya After Murder of Ambassador | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Marines Sent to Libya After Murder of Ambassador | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  foxnews.com A team of about 50 Marines has been dispatched to Libya after attacks Tuesday on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi left four Americans dead including the U.S. ambassador, military officials told Fox News. Officials said a Marine “fast team” is being sent from the U.S. Naval base in Rota, Spain. They are not […]

Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill | Pakalert Press

Obama Executive Order Will Nationalize the Demonization of US Veterans as Mentally Ill | Pakalert Press

  Susanne Posel PAKALERTPRESS.COM The demonization of US veterans has been a reoccurring theme in mainstream media of late. Last week, it was recounted by mainstream media (MSM) that Terence Tyler, former US Marine had opened fire on his co-workers at a New Jersey supermarket called Pathmark before turning the gun on himself. Tyler was […]

The Former Marine Unlawfully Detained And Committed By Police Is Suing The Government | THE JEENYUS CORNER

The Former Marine Unlawfully Detained And Committed By Police Is Suing The Government | THE JEENYUS CORNER

By Michael Kelley BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The former Marine who was unlawfully detained and placed in a psychiatric institution by authorities is filing a civil lawsuit against government officials involved. Brandon Raub, 26, was detained on August 16 in connection to Facebook posts critical of the government after authorities from the FBI, Secret Service and local Virginia police […]

US Sends 200 Marines To Guatemala To Fight Drug War | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Michael KelleyBusiness InsiderAugust 31, 2012 U.S. Marines on a jungle-patrol exercise in Guatemala A team of 200 U.S. Marines have begun patrolling Guatemala’s western coast in an unprecedented operation to combat drug trafficking in Central America, the AP reports. Operation Martillo (i.e. Hammer) will target fast power boats and self-propelled “narco-submarines,” primarily those of the Zeta cartel, along […]