Tag Archive | United States Constitution

SC Senate hearing on bill to allow carrying handguns packs Rock Hill auditorium (video) | THE JEENYUS CORNER

SC Senate hearing on bill to allow carrying handguns packs Rock Hill auditorium (video) | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By JAMIE SELF A crowd in Rock Hill Monday urged a state Senate panel to move quickly to pass a bill that would allow South Carolinians to carry handguns, concealed or not, without a permit. More than 150 people packed a standing-room-only auditorium at York Technical College in Rock Hill for the […]

The U.N. attempts to thwart marijuana decriminalization laws in Washington and Colorado | THE JEENYUS CORNER

The U.N. attempts to thwart marijuana decriminalization laws in Washington and Colorado | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Alec Scheer “A U.N. drug agency says the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington violates international drug treaties,” the Seattle Times reported on Tuesday, March 5th. “The International Narcotics Control Board urged the Barack Obama administration to challenge the legalization measures. It made its appeal in an […]

Lindsey Graham – The Most Dangerous Man to America | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Lindsey Graham – The Most Dangerous Man to America | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER South Carolina Libertarian Party Victor Kocher, Chairman Timothy Moultrie, Press Secretary If Lindsey Graham were an ill-informed run-of-the-mill Joe Six-pack, one might forgive him for his fervor as the United States prosecutes its vaguely defined war on terror. However, Lindsey is anything but ill-informed. He served as a Colonel in the U. […]



THE JEENYUS CORNER By Erik Garcés Part Six in a series – “Solutions from the Opposite Consciousness” (Previous Parts:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5) I’m going to take you deep into the rabbit’s hole. This is NOT for the unaware, the sheep who are still asleep. It may even go over […]

Journal News map-listed guns, permits stolen from New City home, cops say | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Journal News map-listed guns, permits stolen from New City home, cops say | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER Two handguns and two pistol permits were stolen from the New City home of a man whose name and address are listed on the website of a local newspaper as possessing gun permits, police said. The thieves ransacked the house Wednesday night, breaking into two safes on the home’s third floor and […]

Texas Governor Slaps Back Against Obama Executive Action | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Texas Governor Slaps Back Against Obama Executive Action | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER Gov. Rick Perry released the following statement regarding President Obama’s executive actions: “The Vice President’s committee was appointed in response to the tragedy at Newtown, but very few of his recommendations have anything to do with what happened there. Guns require a finger to pull the trigger. The sad young man who […]

Bill Introduced In House Could End Presidential Term Limits | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Bill Introduced In House Could End Presidential Term Limits | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Bill Introduced In U.S. House Of Reps. Could Open Way For American Dictator In Future Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER A bill introduced in the house of representatives takes aim at the 22nd amendment of the United States Constitution.  The joint resolution, HJ 15, was introduced this past Friday by Congressman José Serrano, a democrat representing […]

SC Senator Lee Bright Introduces Legislation To Nullify Federal Gun Laws | THE JEENYUS CORNER

SC Senator Lee Bright Introduces Legislation To Nullify Federal Gun Laws | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER Tenth Amendment Center The South Carolina legislature will consider a bill that would nullify a considerable amount of assumed federal power over firearms – the Firearms Freedom Act. Senate Bill 85 (SB85) states that, “A personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in South Carolina and […]

Hands Off the Electoral College by Ron Paul | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Hands Off the Electoral College by Ron Paul | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Rep. Ron Paul, MD The intense media focus on the divide between “red” and “blue” states in the wake of the presidential election has raised new questions regarding our federal voting system. One U.S. Senator has promised to introduce legislation to abolish the Electoral College, claiming it is an anachronism that […]

2nd Amendment Under Attack in SC County | THE JEENYUS CORNER

2nd Amendment Under Attack in SC County | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE JEENYUS CORNER The Dorchester County Council has introduced a new law, slated for its third reading at tonight’s council meeting, that will make it illegal for a person to discharge a firearm within 500 feet of a county road. If this measure meets no opposition at tonight’s reading, it will become law. The […]