Tag Archive | Pentagon

Ted Cruz Has “Bomb Throwing” Debut In US Senate  | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Ted Cruz Has “Bomb Throwing” Debut In US Senate | THE JEENYUS CORNER

A Very Junior Senator’s Bomb-Throwing Debut THE JEENYUS CORNER New York Times By Jonathan Weisman WASHINGTON — As the Senate edged toward a nasty filibuster vote on Chuck Hagel’s nomination to be defense secretary, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, sat silent and satisfied in the corner of the chamber — his voice robbed by […]

Rep. Justin Amash Blasts GOP Leadership, House Speaker Boehner | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Rep. Justin Amash Blasts GOP Leadership, House Speaker Boehner | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER (CNN) – Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), who was booted from the House Budget Committee, says that a solution to the fiscal cliff must be bipartisan and he is not sure if he supports the re-election of Speaker John Boehner to his leadership position. Rep. Amash heard of his release from the committee […]

Revealed: 64 Drone Bases on American Soil | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Revealed: 64 Drone Bases on American Soil | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE JEENYUS CORNER We like to think of the drone war as something far away, fought in the deserts of Yemen or the mountains of Afghanistan. But we now know it’s closer than we thought. There are 64 drone bases on American soil. That includes 12 locations housing Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles, […]

BREAKING NEWS: Chinese hackers break in to White House military Network | THE JEENYUS CORNER

BREAKING NEWS: Chinese hackers break in to White House military Network | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE JEENYUS CORNER Hackers linked to China’s government broke into one of the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, breaching a system used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands, according to defense and intelligence officials familiar with the incident. One official said the cyber breach was one of Beijing’s most brazen […]

Pentagon claims Syria moved chemical weapons (How Convinient, Just Like Iraq!) | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Pentagon claims Syria moved chemical weapons (How Convinient, Just Like Iraq!) | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  RT.com The Syrian government may have moved some of its chemical weapons to safeguard them against rebel forces, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said at a Friday press conference. While some weapons were moved to locations unknown to US intelligence, Panetta said the main storage sites remain secure and under government control. “There has […]

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography | THE JEENYUS CORNER

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE JEENYUS CORNER Pentagon lagged on pursuing porn cases The Pentagon’s investigation of defense and intelligence employees who downloaded child pornography is being criticized in Congress after the Department of Defense acknowledged that its investigators failed to check thoroughly whether its employees were on a list of suspected porn viewers. In 2006, the Immigration […]

Ex-Blackwater to teach US spies survival skills | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Ex-Blackwater to teach US spies survival skills | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  RT.com The Pentagon has awarded Academi, the security company previously known as Blackwater, part of a $20 billion five year contract to train military intelligence agents. It comes despite the firm earlier being fined by a US court for illegal arms trade. The US Defense Intelligence Agency announced on Thursday that it would hire […]

Erik Garcés: The Answer To Tomorrow’s Victory Lies In Yesterday’s Defeat | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Erik Garcés: The Answer To Tomorrow’s Victory Lies In Yesterday’s Defeat | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Erik Garcés In my continuing quest to avoid the fear control loop that often keeps even the awakened and aware trapped and demoralized, I’m always looking for answers. Ways to help other like minded people. Life experience has taught me that there are few human experiences that are new. Aside from technological advances, we’re […]

Run! DARPA’s LS3 robot mule follows you around | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Run! DARPA’s LS3 robot mule follows you around | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Tim Hornyak CNET Let the human-hunting games begin. Boston Dynamics has a new video of its oversized beast pursuing defenseless human meatsacks through a forest. The Legged Squad Support System (LS3), aka AlphaDog, is designed to carry 400 pounds of payload and travel 20 miles without refueling. It’s funded by DARPA and the U.S. Marine […]

Group of Marines, Warships and Drones to be Deployed on Libya after Benghazi Attack | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Group of Marines, Warships and Drones to be Deployed on Libya after Benghazi Attack | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Ezra Van Auken SpreadLibertyNews.com   A little over a day ago, the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya was stormed by militants and torched, overall resulting in the death of a United States ambassador to Libya, two marines and three staffers as well as leaving 12 to 17 wounded. Reports remain unclear as to how […]