Tag Archive | Warfare and Conflict

Erik Garcés: Blaming Guns For Violence Is No Different Than Blaming Keyboards For Typos | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Erik Garcés: Blaming Guns For Violence Is No Different Than Blaming Keyboards For Typos | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Erik Garcés I have as yet refrained from commentary concerning the tragic events in Connecticut. I am hopeful when I see so many others who understand easily enough what happened and more importantly: why. The criminals who operate the illegitimate US government are very close to a tipping point of public […]

BREAKING NEWS: US blocks ‘unbalanced’ UN Security Council statement calling for Gaza ceasefire | THE JEENYUS CORNER

BREAKING NEWS: US blocks ‘unbalanced’ UN Security Council statement calling for Gaza ceasefire | THE JEENYUS CORNER

US blocks ‘unbalanced’ UN Security Council statement calling for Gaza ceasefire THE JEENYUS CORNER (RT.com) – The United States has blocked a Moroccan-brokered UN Security Council call for a ceasefire in the Israeli-Gaza conflict, labeling it “unbalanced.” “The draft press statement failed to address the root cause of the current escalation – the continuing barrage […]

9/11 War Crimes Tribunal expected to issue Indictments of Accused in 9/11 events on January 22, 2013 | THE JEENYUS CORNER

9/11 War Crimes Tribunal expected to issue Indictments of Accused in 9/11 events on January 22, 2013 | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE JEENYUS CORNER VANCOUVER, B.C. – At a meeting of the Judges of the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal held Friday September, 28, 2012 in Vancouver, BC, Judge Constance Fogal, B.A., M.A, B.ED, LL.B and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd reaffirmed the plan of the 9/11 Tribunal to issue Indictments of key Accused in the […]

West Bank college puts Israeli policies to the test | THE JEENYUS CORNER

West Bank college puts Israeli policies to the test | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Maayan Lubell Reuters An Israeli government move to upgrade Ariel University Centre in the occupied West Bank to a full-fledged university has put the 30-year-old school at the centre of a debate at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: how the settlements will figure in defining a future Palestinian state. The cabinet decision on […]

Breaking News: Sneak Attacks in the Senate | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Breaking News: Sneak Attacks in the Senate | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Donna Mauney northcarolinaconservative.net I am outraged by the dirty tricks being played in an effort to get this dangerous UN treaty ratified. Please, please, PLEASE take action on this and call your Senators to ask them to oppose UN CRPD! “URGENT CALL TO ACTION Today, Senators Durbin and Harkin tried to get the United Nations […]

Libya Warned US Three Days Before Consulate Attack | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Libya Warned US Three Days Before Consulate Attack | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Jason Ditz news.antiwar.com Despite US officials angrily condemning reports last week that the Benghazi consulate attack, which killed the US ambassador, came with advanced warning, another Libyan security official came forward today to confirm that he gave the US a specific warning about security three days before the attack. “The situation is frightening, it […]

Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf” | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf” | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Alfred Heinz THE DAILY SQUIB NEW YORK – USA – In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East. Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, who will be 89 in May, is […]



  Roger Landry WTPN I WAS WRONG – I have sailed through life, as so many of us have done, feeling that my decisions and the path that I have steered was a sound one. I reflect on all of the things that I have accomplished, and all the things I have failed to, but […]

Former Marine Arrested Over Facebook Posts That S.S. Claim Were “Terroristic”   | JEENYUSCORNER.COM  |

Former Marine Arrested Over Facebook Posts That S.S. Claim Were “Terroristic” | JEENYUSCORNER.COM |

Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER Decorated War Veteran (Iraq and Afghanistan) and former Marine, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia was arrested last night by authorities.  Authorites claimed that Raub made “Terroristic” comments on his Facebook Page.  The unconstitutional arrest occurred last night at approximately 7:30 pm at the combat veteran’s home. The following video […]

Ron Paul from 2004- POLICE STATE USA

Ron Paul from 2004- POLICE STATE USA

ANTIWAR.COM By Dr. Ron Paul August 10, 2004 Last week’s announcement that the terrorist threat warning level has been raised in parts of New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., has led to dramatic and unprecedented restrictions on the movements of citizens. Americans wishing to visit the U.S. Capitol must, for example, pass through several […]