Tag Archive | Pentagon

Tim Roemer – Former 9/11 Commissioner – Admits Missile Hit The Pentagon | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Tim Roemer – Former 9/11 Commissioner – Admits Missile Hit The Pentagon | THE JEENYUS CORNER


Washington Times: Half of military bases lack voting facility | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Washington Times: Half of military bases lack voting facility | THE JEENYUS CORNER

By Saun Waterman THE WASHINGTON TIMES Half of all U.S. military bases around the world lack legally required facilities where troops can register to vote and get absentee ballots, according to a report from the Pentagon’s inspector general. Advocacy groups said the report shows the military has let down its service members by failing to […]

Pentagon escalates case that former Navy SEAL broke secrecy pledge | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Pentagon escalates case that former Navy SEAL broke secrecy pledge | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  By Mark Hosenball YAHOO! NEWS WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon on Thursday released new details about a secrecy agreement signed by a former Navy SEAL who wrote a book about his role in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, escalating its argument that the commando violated promises not to disclose classified information. While […]

DARPA “Emergency Response” Robot Runs Faster Than Usain Bolt | THE JEENYUS CORNER

DARPA “Emergency Response” Robot Runs Faster Than Usain Bolt | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Machines to be used for “defense missions” Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Thursday, September 6, 2012 One of the robots under development by DARPA for the purpose of “emergency response” and humanitarian missions has beaten the human world speed record set in 2009 by athlete Usain Bolt. “The Defense Advanced Research Project’s (DARPA) Cheetah managed […]

Paul Ryan Record Shows He Could Be Running Mate of Obama | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Paul Ryan Record Shows He Could Be Running Mate of Obama | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  By Robert Taylor POLICYMIC.COM It has been a few days since former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney selected Congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate. The dust has settled a bit, and the left and the right have predictably, and incorrectly, caricatured Ryan as a villain and a hero. Liberals see him as a radical right-wing extremist who wants […]

Romney the Businessman? | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Romney the Businessman? | THE JEENYUS CORNER

by Philip Giraldi Antiwar.com Mitt Romney has focused his run for the presidency on the superior skills he developed as a successful businessman, asserting that he alone has the knowledge, the experience, and the personal grit needed to repair the U.S. economy. Let us accept for a moment that Romney’s preferred narrative is true, i.e., […]

Questions raised after SEAL’s identity revealed | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  WASHINGTON (CNN) The author of the controversial but yet-to-be-published book, “No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Laden,” wrote it under the pseudonym Mark Owen. The book’s publisher said the special operations forces team member did not want to reveal his name to protect himself and his family. […]

Real Reason they Arrested Raub: Strip Him of His Right to Bear Arms | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Attention U.S. Military: You are Being Demonized. This is an Extremely Important Article … It’s now becoming overt. The meme emanating rapidly from the mainstream media is that the U.S. military is a threat to the nation! It sounds very 1984 and backwards, but what isn’t these days. What really captured my attention is a […]

Suicide Rates Double In July, Army Issues Nasal Spray

Suicide Rates Double In July, Army Issues Nasal Spray

  Geoffrey Ingersoll BUSINESS INSIDER The military suicide rate doubled in July. That’s one of our troops, almost every day. To come up with an answer, the Army recently gave 3 million dollars to a university of Indiana research center, and those researchers came back with this: Anti-Suicide Nasal Spray. Katie Drummond of The Daily […]

Inside the Ring: Pentagon plumber

By Bill Gertz Washington Times Pentagon general counsel Jeh Johnson is leading a major effort to plug news leaks and recently sent a memorandum to all Defense Department employees requesting that they all search their computers for information about contacts with reporters, according to defense officials familiar with the memo. The memo said officials should […]