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Breaking News: Sneak Attacks in the Senate | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Donna Mauney

I am outraged by the dirty tricks being played in an effort to get this dangerous UN treaty ratified. Please, please, PLEASE take action on this and call your Senators to ask them to oppose UN CRPD!


Today, Senators Durbin and Harkin tried to get the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified on the floor in a maneuver that can only be called a sneak attack.

Without notice, they asked for Unanimous Consent to ratify the treaty immediately. If an alert Senator from our side had not been present, they would have likely succeeded.

Fortunately, Mike Lee–a great Senator from Utah was present and objected and stalled it for today.

They are likely to keep trying sneak attacks.

PLEASE CALL BOTH OF YOUR US SENATORS TOMORROW. Tell them–Vote NO on this treaty and stop the sneak attacks. If their intentions are honorable, they can put it on the calendar and let all of America know what they are doing in advance.

Sneak attacks are never for an honorable purpose.

This treaty will allow the government to decide what it thinks is best for every child that it deems to have a disability or special needs. While we need to stand up for families who are in this position today, in reality it is an attack on every family in America.” – Michael Farris

The Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. Call and ask for your particular senator’s office and politely ask them to vote NO on this treaty.


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