Tag Archive | Rutherford Institute

Guns of Pot Users to be Confiscated | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Guns of Pot Users to be Confiscated | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Susanne Posel Infowars.com The Obama Administration through the Justice Department has given the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) the authority to “seize and administratively forfeit property involved in controlled-substance abuses.” In effect: those who are convicted of crimes involving alcohol and/or substance abusers will have their right to bear arms revoked. By […]

The Former Marine Unlawfully Detained And Committed By Police Is Suing The Government | THE JEENYUS CORNER

The Former Marine Unlawfully Detained And Committed By Police Is Suing The Government | THE JEENYUS CORNER

By Michael Kelley BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The former Marine who was unlawfully detained and placed in a psychiatric institution by authorities is filing a civil lawsuit against government officials involved. Brandon Raub, 26, was detained on August 16 in connection to Facebook posts critical of the government after authorities from the FBI, Secret Service and local Virginia police […]

Psychiatrist Threatened to ‘Brainwash’ Brandon Raub Attorney Says | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Psychiatrist Threatened to ‘Brainwash’ Brandon Raub Attorney Says | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Attorney of Former Marine Detained for Facebook Posts Tells Beck: Psychiatrist Threatened to ‘Brainwash’ My Client With Meds Attorney for Brandon Raub Says Psychiatrist Threatened to Brainwash Him With Meds, John Whitehead Earlier today, 26-year-old former U.S. Marine Brandon Raub was released from a psychiatric facility via a judge’s order, who ruled that the government […]

Judge orders Brandon Raub released from hospital | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Judge orders Brandon Raub released from hospital | THE JEENYUS CORNER

By Tiffany Madison After a special hearing today, Circuit Judge W. Allan Sharret declared the commitment order granted to federal authorities for Brandon Raub’s arrest and detainment was invalid. Raub, the 26-year-old former Marine, pro-liberty activist and Virginia resident, was seized by FBI, Secret Service and local authorities over Facebook posts allegedly “terrorist in nature”. […]

Phoenix Citizens Told They Need a Permit to Hand Out Bottled Water, Death of the Republic | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Alec Scheer WeAre1776.org August 22, 2012 In the rapid dissent into full-fledged tyranny the government controls every portion of your life. Whether it is obvious or not they are controlling you and your mind through propaganda, permits, licenses, fear, and mass drugging and/or poisoning of the population. But, is it the government who has […]

District Court Refuses to Stop Transfer of Marine Brandon Raub to Salem Psych Ward, 3 Hrs. Away, for Posting Political Views, Song Lyrics to Facebook  | THE JEENYUS CORNER

District Court Refuses to Stop Transfer of Marine Brandon Raub to Salem Psych Ward, 3 Hrs. Away, for Posting Political Views, Song Lyrics to Facebook | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE CHESTERFIELD, VA— Special Justice Walter Douglass Stokes for the General District Court for the City of Hopewell, Va., has denied an emergency motion filed by attorneys for The Rutherford Institute to stop former Marine Brandon Raub from being forcibly transferred to a psychiatric facility more than three hours away from his […]

Brandon Raub Speaks With Adam Kokesh From Inside John Randolph Medical Center | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Brandon Raub Speaks With Adam Kokesh From Inside John Randolph Medical Center | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER In a brief phone call with Adam Kokesh (Adam vs The Man),  Patriot and Former Marine, Brandon Raub described his treatment and his condition.  It was verified by a person who knows Raub personally that it is indeed Brandon’s voice on the phone with Kokesh.  Brandon sounded to […]

BRANDON RAUB UPDATE: Rutherford Institute Defends Marine Arrested, Incarcerated in Psych Ward & Detained Indefinitely for Posting Political Views, Song Lyrics to Facebook | THE JEENYUS CORNER

BRANDON RAUB UPDATE: Rutherford Institute Defends Marine Arrested, Incarcerated in Psych Ward & Detained Indefinitely for Posting Political Views, Song Lyrics to Facebook | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE August 20, 2012 CHESTERFIELD, VA— The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of a former Marine, 26-year-old Brandon Raub, who was arrested, detained indefinitely in a psych ward and forced to undergo psychological evaluations based solely on the controversial nature of lines from song lyrics, political messages and virtual card […]

Former Marine Arrested Over Facebook Posts That S.S. Claim Were “Terroristic”   | JEENYUSCORNER.COM  |

Former Marine Arrested Over Facebook Posts That S.S. Claim Were “Terroristic” | JEENYUSCORNER.COM |

Marshall D. Culpepper THE JEENYUS CORNER Decorated War Veteran (Iraq and Afghanistan) and former Marine, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia was arrested last night by authorities.  Authorites claimed that Raub made “Terroristic” comments on his Facebook Page.  The unconstitutional arrest occurred last night at approximately 7:30 pm at the combat veteran’s home. The following video […]