Tag Archive | Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBI’s ‘National Security Letters’ Demands Ruled Unconstitutional | THE JEENYUS CORNER

FBI’s ‘National Security Letters’ Demands Ruled Unconstitutional | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Eyder Peralta A federal judge in California ruled today that the FBI cannot secretly demand data from banks and phone companies in national security cases. The judge said orders that keep those requests secret violate the First Amendment. NPR’s Carrie Johnson filed this report for our Newscast unit: “The demands known […]

FBI ‘secretly spying’ on Google users, company reveals | THE JEENYUS CORNER

FBI ‘secretly spying’ on Google users, company reveals | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER Fox News The FBI used National Security Letters — a form of surveillance that privacy watchdogs call “frightening and invasive” — to surreptitiously seek information on Google users, the web giant has just revealed. Google’s disclosure is “an unprecedented win for transparency,” privacy experts said Wednesday. But it’s just one small step […]

Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Declan McCullagh (news.cnet.com) – A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans’ e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law. CNET has learned that Patrick Leahy, the influential Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, has dramatically reshaped his legislation in response […]

Did General Petraeus Know 2012 Elections Were Rigged? | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Did General Petraeus Know 2012 Elections Were Rigged? | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Nick Contompasis *Editor’s Note: This information has not been verified, however this is not the first word that Obama could be setting up to retain power after 2016. Breaking News – It appears that General Petraeus found out, while at the C.I.A., that the 2012 election was going to be fixed. […]

State Had Warnings of Massive Cyber Attack on Dept. of Revenue | THE JEENYUS CORNER

State Had Warnings of Massive Cyber Attack on Dept. of Revenue | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER By Tim Smith COLUMBIA, S.C. (The Greenville News)– The warnings were there. But even as a hacker was cracking into the state Department of Revenue database, the top expert for the state hired to assess computer security at 16 agencies was sounding notes of confidence. And the former FBI agent directed by Gov. […]

Loose tweets sink ships: Secret Service sets up hotline for ‘suspicious’ web posts | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Loose tweets sink ships: Secret Service sets up hotline for ‘suspicious’ web posts | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER (RT.com)- With less than two weeks to go before the US presidential election, the Secret Service is ramping up its intelligence-gathering efforts and asking Twitter users to report threatening tweets against politicians to a local field office. Debates over the November 6 election are already raging on social media: Users exchanged around […]

Feds Set Up Patsy From Banglidesh In “Terror Plot” Against Federal Reserve | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Feds Set Up Patsy From Banglidesh In “Terror Plot” Against Federal Reserve | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER (Updated 4:00pm EDT) NEW YORK (WABC) — One man was arrested in a federal terrorism sting targeting the Federal Reserve in lower Manhattan. The suspect was detected and then monitored as part of a joint federal NYPD operation. FBI says arrests Bangladeshi national in plot to detonate what he believed was a […]

Third anarchist jailed for refusing to testify before secret grand jury | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Third anarchist jailed for refusing to testify before secret grand jury | THE JEENYUS CORNER

THE JEENYUS CORNER A third self-described anarchist from the Pacific Northwest has been jailed by federal officials for refusing to speak before a secretive grand jury that the accused have called a politically-motivated modern-day witch-hunt. Leah-Lynn Plante, a mid-20s activist from Seattle, Washington, was ushered out of court by authorities on Wednesday after refusing for […]

Better Than Fact-Checking: An Ohio Reporter Speaks Truth to Power | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Better Than Fact-Checking: An Ohio Reporter Speaks Truth to Power | THE JEENYUS CORNER

  THE JEENYUS CORNER The fact-checking ethos suddenly prevalent in American journalism is a necessary but mixed blessing. As one of its intellectual champions, Jay Rosen, has long observed, the press diminishes itself and fails in its commitment to the audience when it uncritically airs all competing claims. It’s inadequate to report, “Candidate A says […]



  THE JEENYUS CORNER What keeps golden raisins golden? Sulfur dioxide. What is sulfur dioxide? A preservative. What do preservatives do? They keep foods fresh and inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeasts or moulds. Everyone has heard about food preservatives, but how do they work? Chemical & Engineering News, in the Nov. 11 issue, explains […]